Thursday, May 12, 2022

Door to America, Cannery Cove, and Mavericks MC

Click Pic to Read the Benefits of SL


Welcome to Second Life

Door to America provides simple to understand tutorials and graphics via information panels you can walk around (very much like a Stonehenge configuration) to gain the know-how to operate your avatar in Second Life. Most are counter-intuitive and simple to 1. understand and 2. put into practice almost immediately. There is nothing that you can do to your brand-new avatar in Second Life that can't be fixed relatively quickly. For example, if your body or head vanish or are mis-colored there are almost always backup copies in your inventory. Most items are copyable in Second Life. It's simply a matter of clicking on them again to "wear" them. So much information but, really, the fun far exceeds the amount of learning time you'll do. 

Door to America provides a unique system of roads, 7 different levels, to ride a motorcycle through a few iconic places in the United States: New York, Florida, Texas, Hawaii, 2 levels for California (Hollywood), and a track designed similar to Stargate Atlantis (a flying city tv show).

Door to America provides a new Z-Land Wack Zombie Apocalypse for those of you who are warriors who want to stay alive. Imagine 100 zombies coming after you?! There are Monsters, clowns, robots, pixies, half-bodies, and more coming at you from all directions. A Headshot to the brainpan is likely your best option. Most weapons you can use are free on Second Life Marketplace. Journey onward fellow warriors! Enjoy or die trying! :)

Next door to DtA (Door to America) is Mavericks MC (Motorcycle Club) on a sim (land) named Ruffneck Falls. There are 100's of SL users who love bringing their real life love of motorcycles and the "biker lifestyle" into Second Life (SL). Mavericks MC is not a 1% MC. Mavericks MC is an upscale hybrid MC founded on the principles and motto: Respect, Diversity, Inclusion, Fellowship & Fun. There are many types of MC's in SL, and there are about 200 MC's with tracks going up to 4,000 meters, Riding Clubs, and more. Join our Mavericks Support Group (just click the Group JOIN), and consider joining as a "prospect" toward full patched member.

(Please note that you must have "Payment On File" with Linden Labs via your account to visit some places in Second Life. There are many more "free" places you can go! You may use PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and several more. However, we suggest you use a prepaid debit card that you load with a specific amount per month to protect yourself. It is really up to you!)

There are 9 full tracks to ride here at DtA. Simply use the "No Touch Teleport" next to the billboard to TP up to the Niagara Falls Motorcycle Track. There are Demo Bike Rezzers there for you to "touch & rez" to ride up the tracks. Simple instructions are provided to get you started. Your bike needs to have the KCP Redirect to fully ride all the tracks. If your bike doesn't have the redirect, simply use a demo bike provided at the numerous vendors on the Niagara Level.

There are many types of vehicles in SL. Airplanes (all types), boats, bicycles, mopeds, autos (all types), and creative vehicle types like bagels, chairs, couches, and even donuts. Builders, literally, can make a square box into a vehicle!

Please, take your time, and spend time, here at DtA to learn all you can about operating your avatar, and about SL before you visit other places (sims). You will find it much less confusing and easier in the long run.

If you haven't yet joined the DtA Land Group, please do so now: Click the Group Join next to the billboards.

You will discover that  you can belong to many groups, participate in their activities or events, and still have time to be a member of Mavericks MC if you so choose.

We look forward to meeting you!


Update:Door to America Arises - and now 3 Regions and 3 full Stacks!

Door to America was on the verge of demolition, without an owner until one angel investor stepped into the gap to save it. The new DtA is unchanged in its uniqueness, only now, we combined 3 Regions and 3 Track Stacks for your riding and partying pleasures: 1. Cannery Cove, 2. Door to America, and 3. Mavericks MC. This is a powerhouse combination. Celebration being planned asap.
Come visit, ride, enjoy! 

(More on Cannery Cove in the next article.)

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The 5th Step to Combat Loneliness (Yes, we Include 1-4, too)


MicManu Model

The 5th Step to Combat Loneliness

Psychology Today has a great article from May 3rd, 4 Steps to Combat Loneliness and Why You Won't Take Them. I include part of it below. Click on the Psychology Today Logo to read the full article. It is worth reading. However, as great as the article is, an important addition, Step 5, should be included to the tools available in combating loneliness: Second Life!

You can join Second Life for free! You don't need to spend a lot of money to enjoy meeting other SL citizens (SL'ers). Second Life is a virtual world created for human connection. This means that no matter who you are, where you're from, your education/status, ability/disability, or income you can still come in-world and meet others whom you will enjoy, feel comfortable with, and even feel safe connecting within a diverse global population. 

 How does Second Life help combat loneliness?

Ever been to a football game or a busy restaurant? People everywhere?! If we are there "alone" at such events it doesn't feel as good as we could feel when we choose who comes with us, right? In Second Life you can connect with people whom you feel comfortable and safe with. I've met a lot of people in my 14 years in SL and many talked about things they would never say out loud to anyone in real life. Anonymity has its benefits! You can share deepness and sincerity of feelings on a level usually reserved for our closest friends, family or loved ones in real life! Now that's connection!

 Well, "yeah," you say, "but that isn't real loneliness!"

 You're right!

Real soul-crushing, medically concerning, psychologically alarming loneliness is on the rise around the world. We can blame the Covid Pandemic and many other factors. What lonely people need isn't a room full of people or a bunch of acquaintances, people need validation and communication with people they care about and who care about them. Without this type of connection people can wither away into a black hole of existence or even die from loneliness. There are valid reasons people who live in loneliness can't or won't get out and meet others (time, money, disability, more), but in Second Life you can meet a lot of people in the comfort of your own home without spending a dime

Second Life is unlike any other online game. You are not out stealing cars, shooting at battleships, flying an aircraft (although you can do all of these in SL), you are meeting new people with whom you can network and becomes friends. Research states that if you meet & greet 100 people, then, 3 of those may become best friends or even soulmates.

The article posted here is an exceptionally good read, and it gives you the 4 steps to combat loneliness. It also says you "won't take the advice and you won't implement the 4 steps" to stop feeling lonely. If you often feel lonely, misunderstood, invisible or feel detached and drifting, I hope you do read the article and use it! But let's not stop there, though, BECAUSE we are adding a 5th Step! In real life you may live in an area of 2,000 or 7 million people, but you can't just walk out your front door and meet & greet 100 people a day. The 5th step is a simple one: Join Second Life.

Second Life is a "growth mindset" where you can use your imagination, creativity, skills & talents safely, and meet a bunch of great people every day (if you want)!

4 Steps to Combat Loneliness and Why You Won’t Take Them

Posted May 3, 2022 | Reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster

How a fixed mindset undermines your attempts to develop your social connections.

The ability to have authentic human connections is vital to happiness and health. Edward Diener (aka Dr. Happiness) and Martin Seligman (2002) documented that people ranking in the top 10 percent of happiness have the strongest connections with friends and families.

Moreover, loneliness may kill you. Loneliness is defined as the discomfort felt when you perceive a gap between desired social connections and experienced connections. The U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy (2020) described loneliness as a public health crisis underpinning problems such as obesity, drug addictiondepression, and suicide. Loneliness has been likened to smoking 15 cigarettes per day (Holt-Lunstad et al., 2015)

Although older adults have been shown to experience a high level of loneliness, recent studies indicate that loneliness may be an epidemic on the rise in teens and younger adults. (Lee et al., 2020).

Much has been written online about what to do if you suffer from loneliness:

  1. Volunteer (giving back to others has been demonstrated to decrease loneliness).
  2. Get involved (join a club, get active in a sport, or local government).
  3. Learn something new in a group setting (take a course, join others with similar hobbies).
  4. Reconnect with friends and family (show gratitude and deepen your relationship with them).

If you feel lonely, you may receive such advice from others. Combatting loneliness sounds simple: follow the above recommendations and live a more joyful and healthy life. But just like advice to get more exercise or eat more healthfully or stop smoking, there are many steps and many obstacles to increasing your social connectedness. Potential obstacles may be driven by economic inequalities, lack of resources, and social marginalization. Another potential obstacle is a fixed mindset about loneliness.


Edu Carvalho/Pexels
Woman Wearing Tank Top Touching Glass Panel
Source: Edu Carvalho/Pexels

Monday, May 2, 2022

Your Soul may be truly Immortal according to Science

The "Orch-OR" Theory

The "Orch-OR" theory simply means "Orchestrated Objective Reduction," and it addresses the "quantum reality" of our human consciousness. It's not magic, it's not hyperbole, it's AWESOME!

At the fundamental level, all things reduce to quantum fields as in - the tinier and tinier you go the more quantum field you'll find. In essence (no pun intended, but it works), Star Wars is correct about the "The Force," (dun dun dun)! Who knew, right? 

Quantum fields are the energy interacting within and outside of itself and is sort of like the ocean of energy from which all things take shape and form. If you've ever used a magnet to draw a piece of metal to it, then, you understand the invisible forces at work. Quantum energy permeates our universe. You, me, everything is made up of "quanta" that absorbs information. All of your intentions, all of your personal energy, all of what makes you, well, YOU are recorded in the quantum field(s) that makes up your body and, here's the key, your conciousness, too!

To simplify even further, it's easy, we are all energy at our fundamental level. There, I said it, we are energy! However, from that energy, following the genetic code, we develop into physical, thinking, aware (i.e., conscious) beings. It's not just us, though. Rocks, trees, water, air, everything share these quantum fields and, in this way, we are all connected!  

What does this have to do with my soul, you ask?

Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, you've heard of them, Nobel Prize winners, say that our consciousness arises from our "neurons" and not their interactions. In other words, it's like a gazillion LED's all making up one gigantic beam of light - working in concert! See? That is where the "orchestrated" word comes in!

So, how does this make my soul immortal

It means that all that you are, all those bits of "quanta" are in your neurons. It means that all of your passions and intentions are, also, encoded in "quanta" and exists in the quantum field of you! When your body dies, all of this "quanta" is released into the universe - without weight, shape or form (other than the coherence pattern of who you are).

Every day we live in a world of unknowns, and as humans we consciously decide to plan and act over and over. Death, certainly, is the final unknown, so why wouldn't we plan for that, too? Since we don't have proof (either way) of our existence after death, why not plan for it? Who would you like to be? What would you like to be? Do you want out of the cycle? Do you want to leave it up to fate rather than destiny? If you don't choose, maybe we all get a default of whatever is available at the time?! Who knows!

I've made my plan for the next journey in my existence, and it isn't some nebulous, blurry, catch-all like "heaven!" It's a concrete "intention" to go forward!

"Destiny is when we make decisions and Fate is when we don't!"


All humans share in the knowledge that life is a struggle, sometimes our struggles seem impossible or insurmountable. Sometimes we consider, after all of our pain and disappointment, that it may not be worth it to continue on our journey. However, isn't this the lesson? To find a way to be fulfilled and feel within our cells that this life "has been enough?" Is it easy? No! Is it worthwhile? YES!

A friend of mine, a caring soul, once made a garden in her front yard. Her intent was to "give to others." She gave all of it away to neighbors, passers-by and, soon, people came from miles away to get "the goods." My friend eventually felt her garden, and by extension, she was being misused and abused. She didn't feel fulfilled, she felt "empty and unwanted."

After many discussions, a slight change in her perspective brought her that feeling of fulfillment and joy. What was her change in perspective? A simple thing, yet so incredibly hard to do - to decide to grow the garden for herself, a gift of her gardening craft to her!

After this slight change in perspective, fulfilling herself, she was able to give food to others as a form of sharing her joy!

So often, people assume that if they do for others, give it their all - to go above and beyond in making others feel fulfilled - that they, too, will feel fulfilled and happy. They end up feeling empty and invisible! Isn't it better to tilt the perspective a bit and "live your passion and feel fulfilled, and then share it?"

Perhaps, in this way, fulfilling your passion and learning to "just be" with your own life so that you can, then, broadcast it to the world - is the way that you send your "joy and fulfillment forward" into the universe?! (That's just my opinion)


100-year-old WWII Veteran goes skydiving for his birthday!

100-year-old WWII veteran paratrooper jumps from plane to celebrate birthday

Senior Living Article - click here

Today’s older people are “younger”

It’s not your imagination: Many of today’s seniors actually are more youthful (both physically and mentally) than their peers in previous generations, and a 30-year study out of Finland confirms it.

In the study, the first cohort of 500 Finns were born in 1910 and 1914 and were assessed in the mid-1980s when they were age 75 and 80 years, respectively. The second cohort of 726 people were born in 1938 or 1939 and 1942 or 1943 and were assessed 30 years after the first cohort, but also at age 75 and 80 years, respectively. The modern group (those born in the 1930s and ‘40s) showed substantial differences:

  • Their walking speeds were .2 to .4 meters per second faster than the earlier cohort’s.
  • Grip strength was 5 to 25 percent stronger than the earlier group’s.
  • Their knee extension strength was 20 to 47 percent higher.
  • They had better verbal fluency, reasoning, and working memory than the earlier cohort.

Overall, the later cohort showed “markedly and meaningfully higher results in the maximal functional capacity tests,” which suggests that Finns who are currently 75 and 80 years old are living longer and have better physical functioning.

Today's seniors can and often are more active. Senior citizens have much more options today than even 20 years ago. Building a network of friends can certainly have beneficial effects. One way of building a network of friends is by connecting to a widely diverse population of senior citizens on Second Life!


DtA provides kiosks to donate on every level of track!


Click on Pic for

Door to America is proud to be a supporter of Homes for Our Troops!
Every level of DtA has a kiosk to donate to HFOT.

Consider donating today!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Join Second Life? Because you'll love it as much as we do!


Click Pic for Music

Door to America is dedicated to giving you one of the finest onboarding experiences in Second Life. It is our honor and attention to service that we welcome you. Second Life is Real Life to many in SL because they inhabit their online presence with their heart/soul and personality. While not all view SL as a place to be the "real" version of themselves, you can certainly choose to be & do just that - be you!

Please join us in experiencing the freedom of creativity, imagination, and real connections available to us as a community.

On-sim, in-world, at Door to America you can learn how to operate in SL. Horseback riding, motorcycles, card games, zombie apocalypse gaming, and more are available to you. 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Z-LAND WACK (Zombie Apocalypse) is officially OPEN @ DtA


Click Pic to JOIN SL


“Christ promised a resurrection of the dead, I just thought he had something a little different in mind”. ― Hershel Greene (TWD)

“In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to finally start living.” ― Robert Kirkman (TWD)

DtA now has a fully operational Zombie Apocalypse City, 100's of zombies (many different types), and zombie drones to battle. Come join in the fun, level UP, get a free HUD, Rifle and Knife to attack the zombies. Remember, a headshot is always a good idea! Just click the picture above to get the SL map and Teleport while in-game!

Enjoy or DIE TRYING!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Apple and Second Life slam Meta over fees for metaverse creators -


Apple and Second Life slam Meta over fees for metaverse creators

Click Pic to Read Full Article

As an SL'er with 14 years, I can tell you that the metaverse will be nothing like SL. The metaverse is specifically designed to monetize digital products and real-world products for corporations, while simultaneously breaching your privacy by constantly surveilling your online presence(s). Corporations are already "complicit" in data mining yours' and my private information - we all know this. Corporations, then, sell your data to others (to sell you more stuff). 

Will the metaverse actually happen? 

Yes, yes it will. Of course, it will. There is $ in them thar hills. But think about it for a minute, when the first trains were introduced, they were called demonic mechanical monsters that would cause women's uteruses to fly out of their bodies when they hit 50 mph, or humans would simply "melt" going that fast. The automobile was considered noisy, erratic and cumbersome while, also, belief that women were incapable of driving because they were prone to hysterics and the vapors. There are always "negatives" to new inventions that become ubiquitous in our lives (for example, the telephone and radio). Although most of the negatives were unfounded, our illogical fears, there are some real downsides to each new wave of technology. For example, trains were not demons, women didn't become sterile, but the native American tribes were devasted, buffalo were wiped out, no small amount of environmental pollution and thousands of workers died in the service of developing railways. 

The biggest concern regarding the metaverse is that you, personally, will be digitally packaged, monetized, sold, and resold down to your nose hairs, eye identification, and DNA. So, be smart, make sure you understand this "new-fangled contraption" before you launch. Protect yourself and learn how to make it "work for you" and not against you! 

Does the metaverse really sound like the decentralized virtual heaven the "sellers" are touting? I think not! This is my opinion as a writer and isn't a vetted, factual news piece. However, I think everyone who is curious about the metaverse should employ their critical thinking skills by deep diving all the news and information they can on the internet to discover who actually benefits from a decentralized metaverse! I read somewhere that "if it's free on the internet it is because YOU are the product!" Well, I agree with this assessment, too. Go ahead, research away. Then, come join SL because this is where we build, create, design, and run our own economy for ourselves! It's brilliant, fun, and always "the virtual world built for human connection!" 

New? Watch this for the help you'll love - SL

 Second Life in 2022, Guide for new users!

Click Pic to Play

Everyone, stay tuned to SL and Door to America. We are reaching out to organizations like AARP and other mid to 20's sites to promote the usefulness (and fun) SL can provide to a wide spectrum of us; no matter what our individual circumstances are in real life.

Happy SL'ing!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Disabled? Retired? Senior Living? Unable to connect with friends, family and loved ones? SL has the answer!


Click Picture for full article

Disabled people in Philidelphia get a Second Life with their avatars there

The Philidelphia Inquirer

Second Life can aid people with disabilities in exploring new experiences in the virtual world

From Newswise:

Yes, you can!

Click on picture for Powerpoint presentation

Second Life Disability Resources

Disabled, retired, senior? 

Regardless of your RL situation, Second Life can get you up and out! Everyone deserves to meet and be with people, connect, enjoy and have fun to the fullest extent possible in environments they find appropriate and welcoming!

Whatever your expertise, experience, education or talent, Second Life is the place to continue, create, uncover, discover and reveal all that you can be! Oh, and yes, you can fly!

If you haven't thought about Second Life as an alternative - maybe it is time!

Click Here!

Friday, April 1, 2022

SOULS by Vega



Compliments of Vega Kiyori

Whatever our souls are made of,

his and mine are the same.

~Emily Bronte

Imagine if you could just distill yourself into the most integral form of who you are? You will choose "I am love" or maybe "I am empathy?" You’ll cut away all the useless labels of your real life; the who, what, when, where, and how's. These labels are not important in Second Life. What is important is the essential part(s) of you that makes you, well, YOU! You become a singularity of "why" you exist and then, you will feel the absolute freedom of connecting with others - essence to essence!

In Second Life you can connect with people on an incredibly deep and profound level because 1. none of those "other" labels are present, and 2. You can connect your essential "you" to the essential parts of others. You might say "I am music" or "I am poetry?" What do you think? If you could just distill yourself into the most essential ingredient of who you are and meet the essential humanness of another, isn't that worth it?

Why Second Life? Because you can connect soul to soul without the real-life exposure to meaningless & judgmental metrics so prevalent in real life! You can be the best part of who you are!

The creator of Second Life has a lot to say about all these new 'metaverses'

click on picture to read full article

Linden Lab founder Philip Rosedale and executive chairman Brad Oberwager aren't too impressed with what they've seen so far.

"The residents have to build the metaverse," says Oberwager.

Join Us Today - click here


Second Life 21st Birthday Exhibits - SL21B starting June 21st

SL21B Exhibitor Showcase - SLB Sparkle | Second Life Destinations