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The promoter of Door to America: Mr. Angelor Galanter

Public issue of [270] equity shares of the face value of $1.00 each of Door to America for cash at a price of $ [1.00 USD] per equity share, excluding a share premium of $ [0.35] per equity share aggregating $ [94.50] at time of first investment. The issue shall be [45] % of the [600] fully owned shares of Door to America, et al.

  • Risks: Since this is the first SL public issue of the issuer, there is no formal market for the equity shares. The shares stand for the obligation and commitment to invest # of shares x $1.00 USD per share per month invested on or before the 28th day of the month, in perpetuity, until or because the share certificate transfers to another DtA registered and, therefore, obligated authorized person. For example, if you own 10 shares of DtA, then your monthly commitment is [10 x $1.00 = $10.00] USD per month. The Shares are non-redeemable, do not pay dividends, represent a monthly commitment to invest said amount, and are only transferrable as a no-copy transfer recorded by the Secretary for the Treasurer of Door to America. Each share stands for one [1] vote in the ongoing management of Door to America. There are six hundred [600] total shares of which forty five percent [45%] are being issued in this offering: [270] shares. This represents a 45% ownership voting block for shareholders who choose to participate.
  • Overview: Second Life does not officially announce number of users, gender of users, or most demographics of new users who are onboarded per day. However, at * they report that Second Life could make a comeback with the return of Philip Rosedale who founded the company in 2003 and left in 2010. Philip Rosedale brings an ongoing vision and investment dollars to Second Life which currently has approximately 77 million registered users and about one (1) million current active users. Second Life is a “virtual world built for human connection,” and we feel this will overtake the attempt at scaling up the corporate thrust to make the Metaverse the primary monetized platform. Human connection is what drives the most powerful economies in the world today, and the virtual world is no different in this respect. 
  • Summary of Business: Door to America is a region within Second Life built specifically to onboard new users using the theme “Second Life is a virtual world for human connection!”  Door to America lists at least twenty-eight (28) benefits to joining Second Life that help people connect with others regardless of their real-life circumstances (including physical, mental, emotional challenges), and can promote a healthy, positive, transformative learning curve for users. Second Life is porous and learned skills, talents, and lessons of all types can transcend the virtual world and bring real world benefits.
  • Charity Involvement: 95% of all donation kiosks are from HFOT (Homes for Our Troops) which is fully vetted and legitimate within Second Life as a valid charitable organization. The Sim, Door to America, operates as a "free sim," welcoming all from around the world, and is set to Moderate. We do not expect "any income" from this region relying, instead, on all residents believing and having faith in onboarding new users to provide them with a remarkable journey in Second Life. 
  • Why: Because Second Life is a platform specifically designed by its users in all areas. Users create, design, build, buy & sell products of all types, fall in love, find best friends, and use Second Life to get “up and out” doing things they can’t do, can’t afford, or fantasize/dream about in real life. There are varying definitions of Second Life depending on how you search. Regardless, it all revolves around human interaction and connection. Try it for yourself, search “What is Second Life,” definitions for more information.
  • ALL stock must be bought for this issue to be representative of a 45% voting group. Each stock share at time of purchase is $1.35 USD, and the value is $1.00 USD. Only "intent to invest" will be registered until the Stock Block is verified as 270 Shares spoken for.
Interested in reserving a block of shares? Contact Angelor Galanter In-World!

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