Friday, April 1, 2022

SOULS by Vega



Compliments of Vega Kiyori

Whatever our souls are made of,

his and mine are the same.

~Emily Bronte

Imagine if you could just distill yourself into the most integral form of who you are? You will choose "I am love" or maybe "I am empathy?" You’ll cut away all the useless labels of your real life; the who, what, when, where, and how's. These labels are not important in Second Life. What is important is the essential part(s) of you that makes you, well, YOU! You become a singularity of "why" you exist and then, you will feel the absolute freedom of connecting with others - essence to essence!

In Second Life you can connect with people on an incredibly deep and profound level because 1. none of those "other" labels are present, and 2. You can connect your essential "you" to the essential parts of others. You might say "I am music" or "I am poetry?" What do you think? If you could just distill yourself into the most essential ingredient of who you are and meet the essential humanness of another, isn't that worth it?

Why Second Life? Because you can connect soul to soul without the real-life exposure to meaningless & judgmental metrics so prevalent in real life! You can be the best part of who you are!

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