Sunday, August 14, 2022

Door to America New Carousel. Still Looking for Several Co-owner Partners.

Door to America is an amazing place to begin your SL life. Lots to see and do! There are 9 levels of tracks representing 9 US States beginning with Niagara Falls, NY. Come, join us, have fun!

DtA Carousel

Door to America Owner is looking for 3-5 additional co-partners to keep DtA exactly the way it is today - a haven and starting point for many new SL users. We want to onboard as many new people as we can for Second Life! The reason is simple: you can be anything you want (including just being who you really are) and meeting new people whom you will connect with. Contact: Angelor Galanter inworld if you are interested in being a co-owner. It will be an investment of approximately $56 per month per person. Thank you!

  • Keep Door to America open for new users
  • Keep Door to America as a "go to" place for motorcycle riding, vehicles, and parties, events, DJ's, live singers and more.
  • Keep Door to America as a place that is a "general" sim for all users.
Let us know how you feel about Door to America by leaving a comment or sending an IM to Angelor Galanter.

Second Life 21st Birthday Exhibits - SL21B starting June 21st

SL21B Exhibitor Showcase - SLB Sparkle | Second Life Destinations